MyScienceWork selected by the Luxembourg government to establish itself in Silicon Valley, CA
The online platform to access and share scientific content will join the Plug and Play program, in Sunnyvale, and depart for California in early April.
The approach to research and communication in the US is quite different than in Europe. Our goal is to open a branch of MyScienceWork, to create new partnerships and to meet VCs. This is very exciting and Silicon Valley is the perfect place for that, as it is such a rich ecosystem of universities and innovative companies
Virginie Simon, MyScienceWork CEO
MyScienceWork, the communication platform for scientists and a growing international community of researchers, announced that its executive team will be joining the Californian incubator for three months.
MyScienceWork is a unique platform combining access to millions of research-related publications, a social media and a community of tens of thousands of scientists. After releasing its official platform in September 2013, the company has worked on growing its database of scientific content and establishing its community in every discipline and country. Now ready to tackle the US market, the MyScienceWork executive team will join the Plug and Play incubator in April 2014.
Plug and Play Tech Center is a business accelerator that specializes in growing tech startups. With its headquarters in Sunnyvale, California, the incubator will allow MyScienceWork to establish new partnerships with universities and corporate partners.
“The approach to research and communication in the US is quite different than in Europe. Our goal is to open a branch of MyScienceWork, to create new partnerships and to meet VCs,” says MyScienceWork CEO Virginie Simon enthusiastically. “This is very exciting and Silicon Valley is the perfect place for that, as it is such a rich ecosystem of universities and innovative companies.”
Co-founder Tristan Davaille adds, “After a second round of fundraising in Europe to launch our premium offer, we will seek to raise funds with American VCs to expand our activity at the international level.”
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