Telindus Telecom received the EuroCloud Luxembourg award for the best “Infrastructure-as-a-Service” platform 2014 for its project with Wallenborn

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At the annual Golden-i ceremony, Telindus received the EuroCloud Luxembourg award for the best “Infrastructure-as-a-Service” platform on the market.

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27/05/2014 |
  • Mr Haux Sales & Marketing  Director Telindus Luxembourg

7th edition of the Golden-i Gala & Awards was held before an audience of 700 guests at the Casino 2000 in Mondorf-les-Bains on Thurdsday the 15th of May 2014. The motto of this event, placed under the patronage of Xavier Bettel, Prime Minister and Minister of Communications and Medias, was the reassertion of Luxembourg as a worldwide ICT reference.

During its 4th edition, the EuroCloud rewarded the IT professionals across 5 categories: “Best IaaS / PaaS on the market”, “Best Cloud service for the public sector”, “Best SaaS on the market”, “Best innovation and business potential”, “Best business impact achieved by Cloud Services”. Telindus was thus rewarded with the “Best IaaS / PaaS on the market” for the attractiveness of its actual Cloud offer, the performance of its platform (datacenter and connectivity), the quality of the offered services and the compliance of its offer concerning data security and privacy.

Through this award, the jury particularly praised the Wallenborn success story. Wallenborn, a key player in the world of transportation in Europe and Scandinavia, selected Telindus Telecom as preferred partner for its Cloud Computing and Connectivity solutions in 2013. Faced with the increasing development of its activities, the company had a real need for security and flexibility. Telindus thus transferred Wallenborn’s entire IT infrastructure in its Cloud (“U-flex” solution). The quality of Telindus Telecom’s services and expertise made the difference. So, today, Wallenborn benefits from a stable IT environment and can rely on Telindus.

This 7th award within 3 years since the launch of its offer consolidates Telindus’ leading position as a Cloud Computing provider.

The EuroCloud Luxembourg awards, created in 2009 by IT professionals, aim to encourage innovation and development of “Cloud” offers in Luxembourg. Through this award, Telindus once more gains visibility and positions itself as an innovative company. Thanks to this award, Telindus will have the privilege to participate in the EuroCloud European Awards on September 30th, 2014.

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