ING NEWS: ING elected “Best Commercial Bank Luxembourg”

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ING Luxembourg is proud to be awarded “Best Commercial Bank Luxembourg 2014” by Global Banking & Finance Review.

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  • ING

This award underlines the professionalism of ING Luxembourg’s teams of specialists, the quality and swiftness of its products and services and the international reputation of ING. It also illustrates and sums up a year of  major financing deals and an increased number of clients helped to reach their ambitious targets.

Global Banking & Finance Review is one of the leading financial Portals, offering its millions of annual visitors informative and independent news within the financial community. Every year, it honors companies recognized to be prominent in particular areas of expertise and excellence within the global financial community. These awards reflect the innovation, achievements and strategic changes taking place within the financial sector.

In 2014, ING Luxembourg has been the only universal bank in Luxembourg to receive an award in each of its main activities:

  • Retail and convenience Banking: “Best Financial Solution of the year - 2014” for its online alerting solution (Luxembourg Finance Management Summit)
  • Private Banking : “Best Private Bank Luxembourg 2014” (PWM- The Banker)
  • Commercial Banking: “Best Commercial Bank Luxembourg 2014” (Global Banking & Finance Review)
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