Media coaching for your events

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Consultancy agency in events communication Shine a light is expanding its range of services and now offers media coaching for corporate events.

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    Thorunn Egilsdottir

Have you ever felt slightly underprepared for an important upcoming event?

An event at which you are expected to present a key topic concerning corporate strategy before a large audience, which must not only understand but also fully embrace what you are saying.
The stakes are high and you must articulate your message as clearly as possible, but you find yourself overstating it and focusing on the message so much you forget its delivery.
Our workshops will help you manage your presentations more effectively as well as capture and retain the attention of your audience.


The workshop is led by a journalist and, depending on your requirements, an editor specialised in the field  concerned. Each individual session is filmed and builds on actual experiences.

As a first step, you will be introduced to journalistic techniques and learn how journalists draft their articles or  structure a presentation. This is a valuable basis on which to effectively develop your public speaking.
The exercise continues with your filmed presentation, which is analysed in order to improve your speech, enhance it with compelling arguments and put the finishing touches on any transitions, in order ultimately to pare the message down to its essence.
You will gradually develop your physical language and become aware of how to command the space around you, the importance of eye contact and breathing; elements that will all help strengthen your impact.
At the same time, we will optimise your presentation material with the help of a graphic designer so that it supports your presentation and adds value to the image you are projecting.

Your Coach

Thorunn Egilsdottir  (journalist, presenter, artist)

  • RTL Luxembourg: RTL Boulevard, Live Kino Spezial, Météo (12 years). Editorial work, montage, presentation, cinema reviews
  • Motorvision (Motorvision on-tour, broadcast in English and German). Preparation of show and editing (3 years)
  • Luxemburger Wort. Interviews, preparation and writing of column “Thorunn Meets…” (1 year). Guests: Richard David Precht, Til Schweiger, Désirée Nosbuch, Léa Linster…
  • Hosting of numerous corporate events, including:
    • ABBL – 75th anniversary – 2014
    • IOSCO 2013
    • Volkswagen – launch of Golf 2012
    • Paperjam – Grand Prix 2010

Thorunn Egilsdottir has a warm, sensitive and attentive personality. Her wealth of experience on stage and in front of cameras has provided her with a unique skill set and the necessary perspective to provide high-standard advice to corporate decision-makers and public figures. Thorunn is known for her seductive stage presence and for holding an audience captive. Her perfect command of five languages and her ability to adapt to different cultures allow her to conduct highly personalised workshops.

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