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Inauguration of Paul Wurth InCub House

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On October 26, 2016, the premises of the Paul Wurth InCub House have been officially inaugurated in presence of the Secretary of State of the Economy, Francine Closener.

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Having undergone several months of renovation works, the building located at 5, rue de l’Industrie in Luxembourg-Hollerich, close to the headquarters of Paul Wurth S.A., can welcome up to 38 start-up representatives. Holding 20 dedicated and 18 flexible desks as well as some meeting rooms, the Paul Wurth InCub House is equipped with all features that will help to offer a creative work environment.

Paul Wurth S.A., in cooperation with Technoport®, has launched its support programme for new technological and innovative companies in December 2015. After a first Call in May this year, for which 50 start-up companies applied, and after having evaluated the pitch of 25 candidates, Paul Wurth is today in talks with about fifteen companies likely to join the incubation programme. These are active, amongst others, in the field of 3D scanning, variable frequency vibration technology and smart tracking systems, and should be able to propose innovative solutions to industry, especially by developing synergies with different engineering disciplines. Besides the call itself, active exchanges took place during the last months with other entrepreneurs attracted by Paul Wurth’s industrial experience. 

With its start-up incubation programme, Paul Wurth also introduced the concept of #InduTech, pursuing the goal to accompany innovative ideas, whose development brings a real added value to the industry sector. This approach seems to be highly appreciated, if we consider the number of industry leaders attending the opening ceremony of the Paul Wurth InCub House. Moreover, within the national context, this initiative will certainly contribute to the development of Luxembourg’s innovation ecosystem.

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