Dentons strengthens Benelux and European Tax team with partner Cristiano Bortolotti

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Dentons, the world’s largest law firm, has strengthened its Tax practice with the recruitment of transfer pricing partner, Cristiano Bortolotti.  He will work closely with the Luxembourg office which has substantial needs in the area of transfer pricing, while also developing and assisting more broadly the Tax practice in Benelux and Europe as a whole.

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18/07/2017 | Personnalités
  • cristianobortolotti

Bortolotti joins Dentons from Transfer Pricing Global Solutions (TPGS), a boutique consulting firm  which he founded to assist major law firms and clients with their most challenging transfer pricing issues.  Prior to that he held positions as Senior Tax Manager at the Kering Group and Gucci Group. He speaks Italian, English and French.

“Joining Dentons is a natural next step in the development of my practice,” said  Cristiano Bortolotti. “I have worked with several of Dentons’ lawyers over the past few years and was impressed by the team.  I am looking forward to combining my transfer pricing knowledge with the quality tax capabilities of my new colleagues to bring high quality, integrated tax advice to our clients.”

Bortolotti is also well known in academic circles.  He is a professor at Lugano Supsi University, where he teaches a transfer pricing course as part of the masters program in International Tax Law.

Frédéric Feyten, Luxembourg Managing Partner, commented, “With the implementation of the OECD’s new transfer pricing rules around the world, the ability to advise clients on complex transfer pricing is now at the core of any tax practice, in particular the Luxembourg tax practice. We are very pleased to welcome a tax consultant of Cristiano’s caliber to Dentons.”

“Cristiano’s recruitment is an important step forward in our strategy to create a market leading Tax practice in the Benelux region,” said Sandra Hazan, Co-head of Dentons’ Europe Tax practice.  “In addition to strengthening our capacities in Luxembourg, we are also looking to further enhance our capabilities in Belgium, the Netherlands, and Europe, over the coming months.”

With close to 200 tax advisors and lawyers around the world, Dentons’ global Tax practice advises clients on matters involving multiple jurisdictions on a seamless basis.  The multidisciplinary team also works closely with lawyers from the Corporate, Real Estate, and Litigation and Dispute Resolution practices to deliver integrated, full service tax advice.

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