ING Luxembourg : A double winner with its "private Banking" offer !

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ING Luxembourg is proud to have been elected “Private Bank/Wealth Management Company of the Year - Europe” by Citywealth and awarded, for the second time in a row, an “Award for Innovative Technology - Client experience” by Euromoney.

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25/04/2018 |
  • IFC-Winner - Private Bank WealthManagement Company of the Year Europe -     (4)

ING is also in the Euromoney Top 3 in Luxembourg for its excellence in “Commercial Banking Capabilities”, “Research and Asset Allocation Advice” and “International Clients”.

Among the factors that have benefited the Bank are the quality of its products and services, its offering in terms of advice and consulting management, its performance in portfolio management and its digital offering. “MyING Private Banking”, a mobile solution dedicated to private banking clients, allows them to monitor the evolution of their portfolios, access the bank’s financial and economic information and receive alerts related to the performance of their portfolio and the repayment of their credit or loan.

More generally, ING Luxembourg has been recognised because it is a true financial partner that puts its customers at the centre of its services by giving them the means to stay ahead of the game, both personally and professionally.

This double recognition also highlights the professionalism and enthusiasm of ING’s teams of specialists, whose effectiveness is reflected in satisfaction surveys conducted with its customers!

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