New “Cargo” connection between Wuhan and Luxembourg
LuxairCARGO welcomes its new client Uni-top Airlines
Wuhan based Uni-top Airlines started on the 13th of January their new scheduled service between their hub in Wuhan and Luxembourg. The flights will connect the busy capital of the Hubei province, located in Central China, to the European markets. The central location, the state of the art infrastructure as well as the renowned service assured by LuxairCARGO have been decisive arguments for Uni-top to add Luxembourg airport to its network.
LuxairCARGO and Uni-top Airlines are closely connected for many years. The Group is the leading logistic provider in Central China and has its European headquarter located at the Luxair Cargocenter.
The official ceremony of the opening of the new route was celebrated this 15 January 2019.
LuxairCARGO is pleased to have Uni-top Airlines as one of its clients.
Both companies are looking forward to a fruitful long term corporation between the two companies.
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