PwC Luxembourg adopts electronic signature to enhance processes

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Today, PwC Luxembourg announces it will collaborate with LuxTrust, trusted digital identity solutions provider, to implement the electronic signature for audit reports. The e-signature solution will lead all stakeholders to greater efficiency. This is a next step in the digital (r)evolution and towards the reduction of our carbon footprint.

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04/11/2019 |
  • Sebastien Sadzot (002)

    Sébastien Sadzot, Partner, PwC Luxembourg

By integrating the signature platform developed by LuxTrust, PwC Luxembourg becomes a pioneer audit firm on the Luxembourgish market to use the electronic signature for audit opinions with a legal value equivalent to the handwritten signature.

The electronic signature is to be progressively rolled out to all audit clients. The objective – ultimately –is to completely avoid the issuance of paper annual reports in the full chain of distribution, from client to external stakeholders, including regulators when allowed.

The move to electronic signature is an important step in the direction towards building a robust and secure digital economy, in line with the strategy of the Luxembourg government. This will lead all stakeholders to greater efficiency by reducing the administrative burden of paper copies, such as printing, physical storage, sorting, transport and – importantly – help reduce carbon footprint.

Sébastien Sadzot, Partner, PwC Luxembourg, says:  “At PwC Luxembourg, we strive to offer the best digital experience to our clients. We are proud to propose a solution of electronic signature which not only increases efficiency for all stakeholders, but will also contribute to reducing carbon footprint.”

What is a digital signature?

A digital signature is an electronic signature that is compliant to EU Regulation No 910/2014 (eIDAS Regulation) for electronic transactions within the internal European market. It enables the verification of the authorship of a declaration in electronic data exchange over long periods of time.

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