Advanzia supports Mastercard in its mission to end hunger: 1 million meals donated to World Food Programme


Advanzia Bank and Mastercard have successfully ended their cause-related marketing campaign in support of the Mastercard – World Food Programme partnership with a donation of 1 million school meals to children in need.

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30/12/2019 |
  • AdvanziaBank-JohannesNeander (002)

Today, Advanzia Bank and Mastercard have announced the successful end to their corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative in support of the World Food Programme (WFP). Since the start of the campaign in August, Advanzia’s 1.6 million cardholders have been making a positive change to the world every time they pay contactless with one of the Mastercard Gold cards issued by the bank.

Peter Bakenecker, Divisional President Mastercard Germany & Switzerland, comments, “At Mastercard, we strive to make giving part of everyday life. We are very proud that we are able to link the increasing volume of contactless payment transactions with our long-standing support of the World Food Programme and donate 1 million meals to children in developing countries.”

Johannes Neander, Advanzia’s Chief Commercial Officer, concludes, ”Contactless payment is increasingly becoming the preferred payment method for our customers because it is quick, safe and frictionless. Thanks to this joint campaign with Mastercard, a simple gesture has become a force for good. We are very pleased that we were able to achieve this fantastic target as the year is now coming to an end: 1 million meals for children in need is the perfect culmination of the season of giving.”

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