Dentons helps GCs to plan for the next 12 months and beyond with a New Dynamic toolkit

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Dentons has launched a New Dynamic toolkit, leveraging the insights of its exGeneral Counsel contingent (from NextLaw In-House Solutions) as well as the insights of legal operational specialists, talent and innovation to create a toolkit to help GCs and In-house legal teams address/reflect on a broader range of topics that will help to inform their strategic planning and help them to navigate the unknown in this New Dynamic. 

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01/07/2020 |
  • Luxembourg

The hub also contains legal insight, with access to webinars, legal toolkits and the very latest articles from across Dentons' 76 countries.  

  • Guidance for GCs and in-house legal teams on how to progress a digital strategy at this time  
  • Quick pivots GCs might like to consider   
  • How to scenario plan for the months ahead   
  • The importance of taking time out to reflect on your leadership skills 
  • Guidance on supply chain resilience issues and ESG performance opportunities  
  • Legal insight from across Dentons’ 76 countries  
  • Lessons learned from South Korea 

Dentons has been supporting its clients and communities through COVID-19 and was quick to stand up global tools to help its clients and communities address the pandemic. Dentons' COVID-19 hub is another resource for organizations and includes global employment, data privacy, insolvency, antitrust and competition trackers and 1,000+ insights PLUS a pro bono hub. 

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