Labgroup joins IMS Luxembourg

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Labgroup consolidates its commitments in terms of social responsibility and joins IMS Luxembourg, the leading network of Luxembourg companies active in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), i.e. sustainable development applied to the business world. The mission of IMS is to support its member companies so that they develop or improve their practices from a social, environmental or economic point of view.

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29/07/2020 |
  • Bernard-Moreau CEO Labgroup

The motivations that led us to join IMS Luxembourg
Reducing our environmental impact while carefully pursuing a policy that respects society's stakeholders has always been a priority for our company.

By becoming a member of IMS Luxembourg, Labgroup wishes to benefit from expertise on CSR good practices, to exchange with the network of CSR actors in Luxembourg and to provide training and social programs organised by IMS to the staff.

Our CSR policy
The decisions and activities of a company are not without environmental and social impact. Lab Luxembourg S.A. has chosen to take responsibility for this by adopting a proactive policy and ethical behaviour. The CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) policy implemented for more than 10 years already, integrates in the culture of the company and in its daily management, the principles of sustainable development (social, environmental and economic).

Our CSR actions already implemented
Over the years Labgroup has implemented various CSR actions such as ISO 14001 certification relating to an environmental management system that the company obtained in 2019. The preparation of the certification audit was an opportunity to structure and bring coherence to all the actions implemented by the company to make it more environmentally friendly with; in particular, the proactive management of waste - recycle, reuse, rethink.

The waste management practiced by Labgroup was also labelled "SuperDrecksKëscht fir Betriber" in 2018, in accordance with the international standard ISO 14024: 2000.

Labgroup also contributes to the reduction of the carbon footprint. Indeed, the full offsetting for the CO2 production of the Labgroup vehicle fleet is achieved through the actions of the Luxembourg organisation "MyClimateLux a.s.b.l." for the past 10 years.

In addition, the new building, the Digital Transition Hub, currently under construction in Grass, will become the benchmark for innovative solutions for secondary storage and digitisation of paper documents. Respect for the environment has been a guideline for the design and layout of the building. The aim was to create a healthy and comfortable building for all employees while minimising the negative impact on the climate and the environment.

Internally, Labgroup has set up various communication channels as well as awareness campaigns that were accessible to the staff. Bernard Moreau, CEO, organises “TGIF” (Thank God It’s Friday) forums for employees to ask questions about the company and share their ideas. Internal events such as the summer party with employees' families or "A morning in the life of ..." are also organised, to encourage team spirit.

Labgroup also supports various local associations for the past numerous years. Many Labgroup employees are also members of associations, clubs or volunteer in a humanitarian organisation.

Labgroup promotes fair trade products. The company offers its customers "Fairtrade" labelled chocolate and also offers "Fairtrade" products to all employees, such as reusable gourds

To conclude, the company would like to express its enthusiasm, as it is now part of the IMS family of members and is delighted to be able to contribute to the research into sustainable alternatives.

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