April Software Recognized as a “Powered by EBRC” Partner


The Renowned Program Distinguishes Members Serving Luxembourg and Europe.

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30/09/2020 |
  • April-Software

Luxembourg-based software services provider April Software received yet another recognition for its excellent business standing. This time the acknowledgement comes from EBRC, the prominent Luxembourg Data Center and cyber resilience provider. EBRC recognized and labelled April Software as one of their “Powered by EBRC” program members. 
The relationship between the two reliable companies began 5 years ago when April Software chose EBRC to store and safeguard the data that its fund data management tool Data Central extracts, aggregates and standardizes. Back then the software firm was looking for the most dependable, reputable, and skilled partner, who would match the high expectations and responsibility of keeping the financial data safe and accessible at all times. EBRC’s Tier IV level of facility design, structure, and security, their perfect connectivity with European markets and capital, and zero downtime since the launch of its Data Center in 2000 proved the company’s perfect reputation and determined April Software’s choice. 
“We were really looking to partner with a local Luxembourg-based Data Center to ensure that all our clients’ financial data is stored locally at the highest possible security standards”, comments Cedric Nanni, April Software’s CEO. “Additionally, EBRC is registered as a Support PFS company by the CSSF and this helps our clients be confident and assured that their fund data is being handled only by top professionals in the financial IT industry.” 
With the “Powered by EBRC” label obtained, April Software is adding one more token of its professionalism, trustworthiness, and business integrity. Earlier this year the company’s data management solution successfully completed its integration with Bloomberg’s PORT solution and was later granted the official “Made in Luxembourg” label by the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce. The company’s management believes that the new recognition will further fuel its steady progress and will solidify the flourishing relationship between April Software and EBRC for years to come. 
Announcement originally published on April Software’s blog page at https://aprilsoftware.com/fund-data-managementblog/luxembourg-data-center-ebrc-recognizes-april-software/

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