G-Core Labs and the Wagner Group join forces to deliver a next generation Telemedicine platform in Luxembourg


With the outbreak of the coronavirus and the resulting global crisis, all professions have been challenged as never before, however this is especially true for medical professionals. As one of the many measures taken by the Luxembourgish Government to halt the spread of the highly contagious virus and protect its residents and workers, it mandated the eSanté Agency to put a Telemedicine platform, now known as “eConsult”. Wagner Group and G-Core Labs became technical partners of the project.

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18/11/2020 |
  • G-Core Andre Reitenbach

    Andre Reitenbach, G-Core Labs managing director

The eConsult telemedicine platform allows patients to have an online consultation with their doctor, dentist or midwife. This consultation can take place via audio or video. 

It allows doctors to issue prescriptions and to securely exchange medical documents and test results with patients. The service is compatible with all popular operating systems and devices, including smartphones, tablets and laptops.

“Considering the highly contagious nature of the virus, we had to find a means to help reduce the risk of contamination, but still allow professionals to treat their patients while protecting themselves,  this led us to decide to put eConsult in place”, - says Hervé Barge, Director of the eSanté Agency.

eConsult is freely available to all medical professionals and all residents and workers of Luxembourg. 

Wagner Group acted as the main technical consultant of the project. The solution is fully hosted and secure in a dedicated cloud environment developped by G-Core Labs in collaboration with the Wagner Group and physically located in the Tier IV EDH datacenter in Luxembourg.

«Nobody was prepared for such a situation, it was both an incredible challenge and opportunity, our teams worked around the clock and we managed to deploy a fully functional and secure solution which is now being used by thousands of patients and professionals”, - says André Reitenbach, CEO of G-Core Labs.   

“For us it was really important to have a partner with the necessary expertise and fully engaged in the project. That's why we chose to collaborate with G-Core Labs”, - says David Celis of the Wagner Group.

The solution allows patients to get quality medical care remotely, this was especially important during the initial surge of the pandemic and will continue to be true for as long as the crisis persists.

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