Arendt has been crowned European Law Firm of the Year

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We are pleased to inform you that Arendt has just won two major awards at the The Lawyer European Awards 2020: European Law Firm of the Year and Law Firm of the Year: Benelux

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07/12/2020 |
  • ARENDT Logo blue-1024x764

This annual awards ceremony showcases the impressive achievements of Europe’s finest in the legal industry (excluding the UK). This year marks the first time in its history that the title of European Law Firm of the Year has been awarded to a Luxembourg law firm. This is a great recognition for Arendt’s entire group and a tribute to its One Arendt strategy.

“We are honoured to receive these awards. They recognise the broad knowledge of our teams that goes beyond legal expertise, bridging the gap between legal advice and its implementation. Our clients can expect to receive practical and innovative solutions for every industry and practice area across our different service offerings.”   Jean-Marc-Ueberecken, Managing Partner.

The jury highlighted a number of aspects that contribute to Arendt’s strength and exceptional positioning. They were impressed by its innovative approach combining all of the firm’s services under the umbrella of One Arendt and by the recently completed rollout of this strategy to the whole organisation. Other highlights were Arendt group’s strong financial development in recent years, as well as its leadership in many areas of the Luxembourg Legal market – particularly funds.

The jury also praised Arendt’s ability to synthesise diverse offerings from a comprehensive range of legal and business services, the spirit of innovation that consistently steers its activities and its initiatives in fields such as:

  • professional development, with the launch of a RH Development Centre aiming to develop key competencies of the leaders of tomorrow with tailored professional and personal development plans.
  • diversity, with the promotion of diversity and inclusion in our working culture, reflected through 30 nationalities within the law firm and 44 nationalities within the group. Diversity training is mandatory for all new joiners to the firm and there is an internal thriving diversity community initiative called the DNA Committee. Next week Arendt will receive the "Positive Actions" Label from MEGA (the Ministry of Equality between Women and Men) for the actions carried out under their programme.
  • sustainability, through initiatives reinforced since 2019. Arendt’s SuperDrecksKëscht certification has just been renewed for the coming year. Some of Arendt’s green initiatives range from a thorough recycling policy, the rollout of mobility solutions for its staff (electric cars, electric bikes, kick-scooters), the compensation of its CO2 footprint, the installation of beehives, the use of 100% recycled paper and many other projects implemented.
  • knowledge management, as Arendt invested heavily in technology and automation over the last 3 years. Arendt has deployed across the firm various market leading AI and automation technologies and have been able to offer clients both legal services underpinned by this technology as well as utilising these tools in the course of working on day to day matters for their own benefit.
  • technologies, with the constant digitalisation and improvement in processes, operations and tools. Arendt recently acquired Mobilu, a Luxembourg company specialising in operational processes, digitalisation and robotised automation.
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