Eurasian Resources Group supports the Fund for the Prevention of Child Labour in Mining Communities - A Global Battery Alliance Collaboration


Eurasian Resources Group (ERG), a leading diversified natural resources group from Kazakhstan with headquarters in Luxembourg, is among the first organisations to contribute to the recently launched Fund for the Prevention of Child Labour in Mining Communities - A Global Battery Alliance Collaboration.

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03/12/2020 |
  • ERG's logo (002)

Administered by UNICEF, the Fund will be implemented together with government and civil society organisations in the DRC and be aligned with the country’s national development priorities and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These include alleviating poverty (SDG 1), strengthening social services for children, supporting responsible production and consumption (SDG 12) and getting children out of mines (SDG 8). Activities will focus on the DRC’s copper belt across six health zones with an initial target of raising US$21 million from partners over three years.

More information regarding the Fund can be found on the UNICEF website.

Dr Alexander Machkevitch, Chairman of the Board of Directors at ERG, said: “We are pleased to be leading the way in the industry by supporting this important multi-stakeholder initiative, and encouraging our peers across the value chain to follow suit. Rooting out child labour in the mining communities in the DRC, which is strategically important for Africa and the broader battery sector, is an urgent priority and a testament to sustainable, ethical development. The initiative to establish the Fund is a strong, positive step in the right direction.”

Mr Benedikt Sobotka, CEO of ERG and Co-Chair of GBA, commented: “Eurasian Resources Group is proud to be contributing to the Fund for the Prevention of Child Labour in Mining Communities. The Global Battery Alliance Collaboration will support projects in the DRC to strengthen communities and address the root causes of child labour. We encourage industry participants and stakeholders to join us in this mission and also pledge their support to the Fund. We can only address this challenge together.”

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