Eurasian Resources Group invests $44 million into filter technology with ThyssenKrupp at Pavlodar Aluminium Plant in Kazakhstan


Eurasian Resources Group (“ERG” or “The Group”), a leading diversified natural resources group, has signed a contract with ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions to collaborate on a major environmental project at ERG’s operations in Kazakhstan. As part of the new agreement with ThyssenKrupp, a leading company in industrial solutions and engineering, four electric filters will be replaced on sintering furnaces No. 4 and No. 5 at the Group’s Pavlodar Alumina Plant (PAS), part of Aluminium of Kazakhstan JSC. This will significantly reduce emissions at the entity and help protect the environment. 

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15/12/2021 |
  • Signing ceremony for a new agreement between Eurasian Resources Group annd thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions (002)

    Signing ceremony for a new agreement between Eurasian Resources Group and thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions

ERG plans to invest over 19 billion tenge (c. $44 million) in the project, which will see the phased replacement of electric filters with hybrid ones. The project is set to significantly lower the concentration of dust in the exhaust gases at the plant, which is one of the city of Pavlodar’s key enterprises, in accordance with international standards. The modernisation of dust and gas cleaning equipment forms part of ERG’s long-term Environmental Strategy and is testament to the Group’s ESG-related commitments. 
Roman Romanov, President of Aluminium of Kazakhstan JSC, said: “The project forms part of a large-scale programme to replace old filters with modern hybrid ones. In 2020, ThyssenKrupp replaced the first two filters on furnaces No. 1 and 2 at PAS. The dust and gas cleaning system at sintering furnaces No. 4 and 5 will now be reconstructed and filters No. 7, 8, 9, 10 will be replaced. The project is pivotal to ERG's long-term Environmental Strategy, and is aimed at reducing dust emissions in accordance with global standards. 
According to Roman Karl, Regional director of thyssenkrupp Mining Technologies in the CIS region, the technology of using hybrid filters is currently one of the most innovative and allows achieving cleaning efficiency of more than 99.99%. 
“We are pleased to cooperate with ERG, and we fully support its commitment to environmental initiatives, care for the environment. Furthermore, I am glad that such a significant event is taking place on the eve of a wonderful holiday for Kazakhstan - the 30th anniversary of Kazakhstan's Independence. I sincerely congratulate everyone on this anniversary and wish prosperity to your beautiful country.” 

The agreement was signed on behalf of ERG by Ardak Nurazkhanov, CEO of ERG Capital Projects, which undertakes the Group's investment projects. 
Mr Nurazkhanov said: “The signing of the contract is a significant development for our team and the Group as a whole. A considerable amount of work has been done to coordinate all stages of this project and we can now achieve a cleaning efficiency of more than 99.99% thanks to these filters. This stage of the project is expected to be completed by the end of 2024.” 
Mikhail Yemuranov, Sales and Business Development Director of thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions Kazakhstan, also added in his comments: “We are well aware of the importance and social significance of this project for the residents of Pavlodar, many of whom work at the Pavlodar Aluminum Plant (PAZ). Taking into account the successful project to replace electro-filters with hybrid filters in Kazakhstan, as well as thyssenkrupp's experience in sustainable development and environmental protection around the world, we are proud to be part of positive environmental decisions in Kazakhstan. We look forward to further successful development of the alliance between ERG and thyssenkrupp Mining Technologies." 

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