Lab Luxembourg S.A. (Labgroup) obtains the renewal of its ISO 27001, ISO 9001, ISO 14001 certifications and PSDC status

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Labgroup has obtained the renewal of its various certifications: ISO 27001 for its information security management system, ISO 9001 for its quality management system, ISO 14001 for its environmental management as well as the renewal of its PSDC status (Provider of Dematerialisation and Conservation Services).

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01/12/2022 |
  • Labgroup-DTH-Grass (1)

Following an external audit conducted last August by Certi-Trust and ILNAS, Labgroup was attributed the famous certificates; the fruit of a collective effort involving the company's Management Board and employees. This renewal would not have been possible without the involvement of everyone in the implementation of actions contributing to the continuous improvement of the company.

PSDC status and ISO 27001 certification

Labgroup, the first company to be PSDC certified (Provider of Dematerialisation and Conservation Services) by ILNAS, pays particular attention to this status, which marks the implementation of the law of 25th July 2015 on electronic archiving.

The PSDC status guarantees the fidelity of the digitisation of paper documents and the integrity of the conservation of electronic documents. To be more precise, electronic copies of paper documents, dematerialised by a "Provider of Dematerialisation and/or Conservation Services" (PSDC), benefit not only from the probative value, but also from the presumption of conformity to the original. Thus, electronic copies, made by a PSDC in accordance with the normative rules, have the same evidential value as the original paper documents, which can therefore be destroyed.

Let us now turn to the international ISO 27001 certification for information security management, which Labgroup obtained in 2014. This certification guarantees all stakeholders in Labgroup's activities effective management of information security and validates, among other things, the strong involvement of the Management, a clearly documented and effective organisation, the quality and suitability of the infrastructure, a specific mechanism for dealing with incidents, as well as relevant risk management.

ISO 14001 certification

Labgroup has been ISO 14001 certified since 2019. This international standard defines the requirements for the management of an environmental management system, which an organisation can use to improve its ecological performance.

In the context of its CSR commitments, the company aims to find the most environmentally friendly and energy-efficient solution for each project. In particular, the company invests in the management of its waste and ensures that its entire carbon footprint is reduced.

ISO 9001 certification

Lab Luxembourg S.A. (Labgroup) places great emphasis on putting its stakeholders at the centre of its concerns and is committed to responding to their requests and requirements as quickly as possible and in accordance with its strategy and the laws and regulations in force. Each of these stakeholders is involved in the company's activities on a daily basis, which strengthens their collaboration with each other and helps to explore new possibilities of improvement in order to constantly strengthen the company's quality management system and performance.

The renewal of this certification demonstrates the critical role that quality plays for Labgroup as it continues to strive for continuous improvement and progress.

"The ISO certifications and PSDC status allow us to enhance our operational processes by applying these internationally recognised best practices. It is the company's will to constantly improve, to optimise our different processes and to measure our progress. It is an important work to build and maintain a productive company by committing ourselves to a sustainable approach. Certifications inspire confidence, both internally and externally. They reflect what is important for the company; the safety, quality, customer satisfaction, respect for the environment and stakeholders", Bernard Moreau, Administrator, Labgroup.

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