60 years later: 2022 is the year of recovery and expansion of Luxair

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Despite the turbulence caused by the restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic in the beginning of the year followed by the increase in energy and fuel prices, 2022 turned out to be a brighter year than 2021, allowing Luxair to welcome more passengers and to expand its destinations’ portfolio.

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10/05/2023 |
  • Luxair

Following a year 2021 still marked by the effects of Covid-19, Luxair never ceases to pursue its efforts and to relaunch its activities. 2022 was a very special year for the Luxembourgish airline: the 60th anniversary of its first flight, operated on 31 March 1962, connecting Luxembourg to Paris-Le Bourget airport. In 2022, 60 years later, Luxair experiences an encouraging recovery of its activities and continues to develop its offers and services with a single goal in mind: to offer its passengers and customers high levels of excellence and quality, the very foundations of its reputation in Luxembourg and throughout the Greater Region.

The performance of Luxair's various activities led the group to achieve the first positive consolidated operating result since many years. Indeed, the Luxair group closed 2022 with a consolidated operational profit of 1.5 million euros for the 2022 financial year against a consolidated operating loss of 30.7 million euros in 2021.


All of the air activities

Despite the numerous challenges encountered by aviation in Europe, Luxair's efforts have nonetheless enabled the airline to maintain its operations and even expand its services and its portfolio of destinations, reaching for the first time its history a total of 90 in 2022.

All of the air activities operated over 28 thousand flights in 2022 compared to around 15 thousand flights in 2021. While in 2021 the threshold of 1 million passengers had barely been reached, Luxair Airlines and LuxairTours together transported more than 2 million passengers in 2022.


Luxair Luxembourg Airlines

Following a year 2021 strongly marked by the severe restrictions Covid-19 applied to the entire air transport sector, 2022 was still impacted in the beginning by the last restrictions and by the increasing recovery of travellers.

Following a slight recovery in passenger traffic observed in 2021, Luxair recorded an encouraging increase, reaching approximately 1,2 million passengers in 2022. The most popular destination for Luxair’s passengers in 2022 was France, which was first ranked, followed closely by Portugal and Italy.



After an increase in its passengers of +119% in 2021 compared to 2020, LuxairTours was also able to take advantage of the recovery in traffic with a 54% increase in its passengers recorded in 2022, thus reaching more than 850,000 passengers.

As in 2021, package tours were the main growth driver in 2022 (+60%) thanks to the development of destinations outside Europe such as Tunisia and Turkey, which were affected by travel restrictions in the two previous years. The Balearic Islands are at the top of the LuxairTours passenger favorite destinations for 2022 for one more year, followed by the Canary Islands and continental Spain. Tunisia and Portugal also remain among the most popular.



Following a year 2021 mainly characterized by the highest tonnage in its history, LuxairCARGO recorded a decrease in tonnage in 2022, due to the drop in air freight in Europe and the demand for urgent transport linked to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Numerous factors such as the increase in the price of fuel products and the consequences of the war in Ukraine have also had a negative impact on the air cargo business, bringing the tonnage handled by LuxairCARGO teams to around 995 thousand tons in 2022.



Following a promising year in 2021, LuxairServices recorded an encouraging increase in its activities in 2022 with a higher passenger traffic at Luxembourg Airport, reflecting the growing recovery in travel since the end of the restrictions linked to the Covid-19 pandemic.

In 2022, Luxair Catering served 2,2 million meals compared to 1,3 in 2021, an increase of +75% made possible by the growth of Luxair flights.

LuxairServices closed 2022 with 24,125 aircraft turnarounds assisted by its teams at Luxembourg Airport, including all Luxair and LuxairTours flights, other airlines and charter flights.


Outlook for 2023

Despite an encouraging recovery in passenger traffic in 2022, the evolution and forecasts of the industry and the economy call for caution for 2023. Fears linked to inflation, the risks of economic recession as well as the geopolitical tensions currently affecting all of Europe also impact Luxair's activities.

However, Luxair’s teams continue to work on maintaining and securing its operations, focusing their efforts on the development and expansion of its portfolio of destinations in Europe and beyond, thus responding to the strong desire of travellers to get away.

But many other challenges still await Luxair, such as the gradual renewal of its fleet and the reduction of its environmental footprint. This year again, Luxair is pursuing its efforts to achieve its support for the promise of "Net-Zero carbon emissions by 2050", submitted by IATA (International Air Transport Association), and to enable the airline to operate in a more responsible way.

In March 2023, Luxair announced the purchase of two Boeing 737-8 aircraft to be delivered in 2026. Meanwhile, as a bridge solution to immediately secure its fleet, Luxair will temporarily lease from Boeing two other 737-8 which will be operated by its own crews, until the delivery of new aircraft.

In April, Luxair confirmed the purchase of two additional Boeing 737-8s, bringing the total number of firm orders from Boeing to four.

In this way, Luxair is committed to investing in more modern and fuel-efficient aircraft to provide customers with a more comfortable flying experience.


Annual Report 2022

For the third year in a row, Luxair's annual report has been created and edited in-house by a young and united team. This team wished to honor the history makers of Luxair, through the photos and portraits of eight women and men, working daily for Luxair and who represent the different jobs within the company. Through the theme "Faces of a Memorable Journey", this 2022 edition pays tribute to all Luxair employees and traces the 60 years of the airline. This history ranges from its creation in 1961, to its inaugural flight in 1962, to the current expansion of its offerings and services to better meet the needs of its passengers and customers

Find the full 2022 Annual Report by clicking on the following link: www.luxair.lu/en/annual-report


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