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ArcelorMittal reports third quarter 2020 results


ArcelorMittal (referred to as “ArcelorMittal” or the “Company”) (MT (New York, Amsterdam, Paris, Luxembourg), MTS (Madrid)), the world’s leading integrated steel and mining company, today announced results1 for the three-month and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020

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05/11/2020 | Communiqué
  • Arcelor

Strategic update:

  • Deleveraging complete: The Company has long prioritized its $7bn net debt target; having now achieved this level, the Company will now prioritize cash returns to shareholders, starting with the $500m share buyback program initiated on September 28, 2020 (subsequently completed on October 30, 2020); the Company intends to present an updated distribution policy at the time of full year 2020 results
  • $2bn asset portfolio optimization program complete: The agreed sale of 100% of the shares of ArcelorMittal USA (which is expected to close within 4Q 2020) completes the Company’s asset portfolio optimization target 9 months ahead of schedule
  • Strategic repositioning of North American platform: The Company maintains a strong presence in the NAFTA market with cost competitive assets in Canada/Mexico, state of the art finishing assets at Calvert (with the announced intention to build an EAF), and technology leading R&D capabilities
  • Green Steel: The Company will offer its customers green steel9 by way of a certification system linked to CO2 savings, achieved through investment in decarbonization technologies, starting in 2020, with plans to scale up this offer to 600kt by 2022
  • 2050 net zero group carbon emissions target: A group-wide commitment focused on Hydrogen-DRI and Smart Carbon technologies which if supported by appropriate policy framework can make carbon-neutral steel making a reality

More insight and information: https://corporate.arcelormittal.com/media/press-releases/arcelormittal-reports-third-quarter-2020-results

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