ING News: Luxembourg in the European average in terms of mobile banking penetration!

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According to the last ING International Survey study, more than one third of Luxembourg residents (50% (39% + 11%), compared to 56% (41% + 15%) for the European average) claim they use / want to use mobile banking for their banking operations

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We note that Luxembourgers are really in the average, compared to 15% in  Romania and 58% in the Netherlands.

71% of Luxembourg residents consider that mobile banking has  changed the way thy manage their finances, against  85 % for the European average and  94% for Turkey, number one.
The ranking of Luxembourg can be explained by the early adoption (earlier than their neighbors) of mobile banking:  36% of the users of that channel started using it already in 2012 or before.  As a consequence, mobile banking in Luxembourg is more a habit than a change.

Indeed, 85% of Luxembourg residents claim they own a smartphone (75% for the European average) and 77% own a tablet, which positions Luxembourg far ahead of the others in terms of tablet owners (49% is the European average). Globally, Luxembourg is leader in terms of possession of « mobile devices » at European level, with a penetration rate of 92%.

Finally, looking at the usage by age group, we see that 72% of the residents aged 55 and more do not use mobile banking (against 63% for European residents of the same age group). The main reason for that are fears regarding  security, according to 42% of the residents in this age category. After that comes the fact that mobile banking (according to 42% of surveyed residents) does not seem to offer any advantage compared to the other channels of the Bank.

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