Luxembourg in the Top 3 for Christmas spending!

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For some people, the Christmas and New Year festive season is an occasion to spend freely, as evidenced by a survey of 15,000 people carried out by ING International Survey in 15 countries.

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11/12/2015 |
  • ING infographie noel

EUR 300, like last year!

Just like last year, the residents of Luxembourg intend to take advantage of the Christmas period to spend freely! Compared with their European neighbours, Luxembourgers intend to be among the biggest spenders (with EUR 300 expected for Christmas), behind the Americans (EUR 360) and the Britons (EUR 420). 

In addition, the Grand-Duchy is among the countries with the lowest number of residents who say that they save for Christmas (20%, behind the Netherlands on 11%), unlike the United States (50%), the United Kingdom (43%) and Romania (42%).

Luxembourg residents among those most likely to keep their resolutions

Although it is easy, on 1 January, to make good resolutions for the coming year, it is generally more difficult to keep them. In all cases, it seems that on average, only one in two Europeans (52%) succeeded in keeping the financial resolutions made at the beginning of 2015. And with 66%, Luxembourg is in the top three countries where the population has the greatest number of people who keep their January resolutions, behind Germany and Austria who are on 68% each.

As the graph above on the right shows, more than 7 out of 10 Europeans (71%) intend to make a resolution in 2016 that will include a financial aspect, compared with 8 out of 10 residents of Luxembourg (81%).

Always save more!

Like last year, among all the good financial resolutions for the New Year, the most popular for the European consumer undoubtedly remains to save more, 41% in all cases, as against 43% for the residents of Luxembourg.

As regards controlling spending, it can be seen that Luxembourg again stands out this year, on 32% (compared to 46% last year), exceeding the European average of 27%.

In terms of debt reduction, Poland and Turkey come out on top, like last year, followed closely by the Czech Republic, Austria and Germany. On the other hand, Luxembourg is at the bottom of the classification, with the Netherlands and Italy.

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