Euronews uses BCE traffic software suite


Since February euronews is using the traffic software suite from BCE, including Cronos and Adonis.

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22/04/2013 |
  • BCE-5

Hot news being our main business, we needed a very reactive tool enabling us to manage several programs. BCE thanks to its experience and professionalism has accompanied us and anticipated our needs. This partnership has been fruitful, BCE has developed and successfully integrated this software in our workflow and the users have now adopted this new tool and associated process

Cécile Leveaux, Chief Technical Officer, euronews

Since February euronews is using the traffic software suite from BCE, including Cronos and Adonis.

Cronos creates the long- and short-term planning, delivering chronological TV program grids, including detailed titles, materials, costs and rights information. Its user-friendly intuitive modular interface improves the current processes for the programming teams.

Adonis creates and manages the running order for any kind of automation. It also manages primary and secondary events. Its user-friendly interface allows a quick and easy use of the program, increasing user productivity and the possible integration with any other system.

"Thanks to a continuous training and cooperation between BCE and euronews during the startup of the new software in their workflow, the company was able to work seamlessly almost immediately," comments Alex SECA, Broadcast IT Manager, BCE.

The complete software suite was installed in less than four months and was perfectly interfaced to the existing solutions from the channel:

  • Program management and broadcasting materials
  • Advertising and sponsoring sales tools
  • Broadcast infrastructure
  • Channel branding

The traffic software suite from BCE also answers to specific needs from the channel in terms of news with the programming of multiple short events, regular last minute change before airing, grid simulations, alerts etc…

"Hot news being our main business, we needed a very reactive tool enabling us to manage several programs. BCE thanks to its experience and professionalism has accompanied us and anticipated our needs. This partnership has been fruitful, BCE has developed and successfully integrated this software in our workflow and the users have now adopted this new tool and associated process," comments Cécile LEVEAUX, Chief Technical Officer, euronews.

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