Kleos appoints Chief Operating Officer

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Heribert Krämer appointed as COO to service Kleos growth following successful satellite launch.

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16/12/2020 | Personnalités
  • Kleos Scouting Mission artwork -source Kleos Space

Kleos Space S.A. (ASX: KSS, Frankfurt: KS1), a space-powered Radio Frequency Reconnaissance data-as-a-service (DaaS) company, is pleased to announce that it appointed Heribert Krämer as Chief Operating Officer who will join the team headquartered in Luxembourg on 1st January 2021.

Mr Krämer is a highly qualified professional who brings a significant expertise to the company, having held diverse senior leadership roles with extensive experience in operations management, change management and business transformation. Mr Krämer’s experience will be instrumental in driving growth for Kleos, managing upcoming change and managing the company’s profitability.

Kleos CEO, Andy Bower said: “We are delighted to welcome Heribert Krämer as Chief Operations Officer of Kleos. Heribert is a highly experienced and multi-lingual COO, whose expertise will provide significant value to Kleos.”

Previous roles of Heribert Krämer include APUS Solutions Sarl (Consulting) in Luxembourg, RBC Investor & Treasury Services S.A. (Financial Services) in Luxembourg, Switzerland and Canada, ABN AMRO Asset Management NV (Consulting) in the Netherlands and Otimo Business Solutions Sarl (Technology and Consulting) in Luxembourg.

Kleos successfully launched its first cluster of four satellites (KSM1) on Saturday 7 November 2020. Commissioning of the satellites continues as per schedule. The Second Cluster – Polar Vigilance Mission (KSF1) will be launched under contract with Spaceflight Inc who have manifested the cluster of Kleos satellites on the SpaceX Falcon 9 launch scheduled for mid-2021 launching into a 500 km Sun Synchronous Orbit.

The orbits of Kleos’ first two clusters will provide strategic coverage of the whole region over and around Chile, as part of their global coverage. Kleos’ satellites will detect and geolocate maritime radio frequency transmissions to provide global activity-based intelligence, enhancing the intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities of governments and commercial entities when Automatic Identification System (AIS) is defeated, imagery unclear or targets out of patrol range.

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