Flibco.com announces positive results of four-day workweek trial, extendsinitiative foanother year

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Flibco.com, the leading provider of airport mobility solution, is excited to announce the successful conclusion of its one-year trial of a four-day workweek at its Luxembourgish headquarters. The innovative policy, which allows employees to work just four days a week while retaining their full salary and benefits, has yielded exceptional results, prompting the company to extend the trial for an additional year.

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03/07/2024 |

Initiated exactly one year ago, the four-day workweek is based on the 100 – 80 – 100 principle: 100% of the salary, 80% of the working time, and 100% of the results. The goal was to maintain, if not enhance, company performance despite the reduction in working hours.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Results after one year test period:

  • Significant Turnover Growth: In the first half of 2024, the company experienced a 48% increase in turnover compared to the same period in 2023, without expanding the workforce.
  • Enhanced Productivity: Despite a 22% reduction in working hours, productivity surged by 69%, demonstrating the efficiency of the new model (January-May 2024 vs. JanuaryMay 2023).
  • Employee Well-being: Internal anonymous surveys revealed a positive impact on both personal and professional well-being among the employees: the current work environment was given an average rate of 8 out 10 by employees regarding its psychological and physical safety and 87% of the employees think their job satisfaction level has increased after the introduction of the 4-day week.

More detailed KPIs and information can be provided on demand.

“We are thrilled with the initial outcomes of the four-day workweek trial, a lot of managers still do not understand that it´s time for change, I am happy that we did it!” comment Tobias Stüber – Flibco.com CEO’s. “It is also important to know that such an important change cannot be implemented in every company from one day to the other. It requires a lot of preparation in terms of Management & leading style, team spirit, digitalization and processes optimization. At Flibco.com we prepared for this change for years and even if we are very happy with the first results, we still believe that we can further improve this concept and for this reason I want to extend the trial period for another year because researches has shown that it might take 2 to 3 years for this new work principle to be completely consolidated and established in a sustainable way.

Given the promising results, Flibco.com has decided to extend the four-day workweek trial for another year. This extension will allow further monitoring and evaluation of the long-term impacts of this policy on productivity and overall company performance.

Future Outlook:

If the positive trends continue, Flibco.com may transition from the trial period to fully adopting the four-day workweek as a permanent policy for all employees, solidifying its commitment to innovative work practices that prioritize employee well-being and business efficiency.

As an industry leader, Flibco.com is dedicated to fostering a progressive and inclusive work environment. This bold move to prioritize the well-being and work-life balance of its employees aligns with the company's core values and commitment to excellence.

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